How Their Long Distance Relationship Built a Foundation
They’re thankful they never need to have another teary airport goodbye after enduring seven months of being in a long-distance relationship – but the foundation of their relationship couldn’t be better, and their love story is better for it.
What Is Your Favorite Memory Together?
Without a doubt, our favorite memory together would be the weekend we got engaged. Sam was in Missouri for the military, and I had flown out to spend the weekend with her in the city we fell in love in at the beginning of our relationship, St Louis.
When she picked me up from the airport, we went to breakfast. I was just so happy to be back with her.
Then we went to a fantastic overlook that had the best view of the Arch in St Louis that I have ever seen and she got on one knee and asked me to spend forever with her.
It was the easiest and best YES that I have ever said in my whole life. Spending the weekend in the most beautiful hotel and celebrating our engagement that weekend was undoubtedly one of the best times of our lives.
What Has Been The Biggest Challenge You’ve Had To Overcome Together?
For the first seven months of our relationship, we were long-distance. Then, after more plane rides, teary nights, and facetime dates than we can count, we learned so much about each other and about how we handled the hard times. But, in the end, it was so worth it.
We still, to this day, think of how thankful we are that we never have to say goodbye at an airport again. To not know when the next time we would be in each other’s arms would be.

Tell Us Your Favorite Thing About One Another.
Brooke- My favorite thing about Sam is her work ethic. How she loves me and how she always puts our family and me before anything else in life. Sam is the hardest worker that I have ever met. She makes a mark wherever she goes. People always praise her for her ability to go above and beyond for anything she sets her mind to. She also loves me in a way that I never knew was possible, loving me with everything in her.
There is no moment in our life together that she does not make me feel like I am the center of her world.
She works day in and day out to make sure we are set as a family. That we are building an excellent foundation for our future as a family together.
She is the absolute love of my life without question.
Sam- My favorite thing about Brooke is her smile. From the day I met her, she has always had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. She is also the person who allows me to be my authentic self and loves me deeply no matter what. I know without question she will be the best mother to our future children.
She loves me, our life together, and the family we are building together more than anything in the world.
Tell Us About Your Private Wedding Ceremony
We recently got married in a private ceremony together on the 22nd of November. It was such an amazing feeling becoming one after all of the challenges we have faced since the beginning of our relationship. We are having a wedding ceremony on the beach next year with our close friends and family. It will be the most beautiful display of our love and we are so excited!
We want everyone to know that we are true and deep believers that everything happens for a reason. When you find your soulmate, you will know it. There is a gravitational pull to each other, an undeniable connection. And, if you do whatever it takes to make it work together, you will have the most amazing life in love together. Life isn’t always perfect, but it is worth it. Never settle in life. The person who is meant to love you in all the ways you deserve is out there. We are a prime example and full believers that true love does exist!
Photography & Videography by Garnet Dahlia