Cooper Brady Photography

Cooper Brady Photography

Cooper Brady (he/him) is a friendly, laid back, yet confident photographer. He is there for everyone and anyone who who appreciates documentary style wedding photography, that means minimal interruption from your photog, and more photos of what’s naturally happening on your day, because there’s already enough genuine moments loaded with all the emotions, humour, joy and of course LOVE.

Fox & Kin

Fox & Kin

I’m here for the real shit, the raw stuff, the double-chinned laughter & the happy tears. Capturing not only what your wedding day looked like, but what it felt like.

Jenna Salvagin Photography

Jenna Salvagin Photography

How many people can say they have their dream job? I feel pretty lucky that this statement applies to me. As an extrovert, I get to use my gift of connection to help put my clients at ease in front of my camera. As an artist, I passionately get to document an incredibly important day in the lives of my couples, preserving their story for generations to come. It’s never lost on me how significant and remarkable my work is for others; I’m thankful every day that being a wedding photographer is my calling.

Opps! It looks like you've seen it all!

Opps! It looks like you've seen it all!