W.R. Metalarts, LLC

W.R. Metalarts, LLC

As a family-owned business based out of Brattleboro, Vermont – our work is non-traditional just like us! We are LGBTQIA+ inclusive, poly inclusive, and size-inclusive. At W.R. Metalarts, we understand that the wedding industry can be extremely discriminatory and patriarchal, and this is something we are working hard to change.

Emily Chelsea Jewelry

Emily Chelsea Jewelry

Emily Chelsea Jewelry, are an online retail store that specializes in creating unique and custom engagement and wedding rings. We want your jewelry to uniquely reflect who you are, what you stand for and what you find beautiful. We seek to always source as responsibly and ethically as possible—whether that means using recycled or Fair-mind gold, recycled and post-consumer diamonds, or Montana sourced or lab-grown gems.



Custom wedding band and engagement ring workshops. There’s no love like yours. So why would your wedding ring look like anyone else’s? By making your own wedding bands or engagement ring, you’re designing and creating custom, handmade pieces of art you and your partner will cherish forever. Join me at the Ringed jewelry studio in Portland, Oregon, or digitally from anywhere in the contiguous United States for a one-of-a-kind workshop where you’ll learn to make your own wedding rings.

Betsy & Iya

Betsy & Iya

It’s about more than metal and stones. It’s about your unique story. And your story deserves high standards. Our materials are fully traceable, recycled, and conflict-free. And all our jewelry is designed, tested, and crafted by a diverse team of real humans who care right here in our Portland studio.

Albert TSE Metalsmith

Albert TSE Metalsmith

Albert Tse Metalsmith is for those with an adventurous spirit and individual style, those that are after a modern take on the traditional. Our ethos is that rings should be one-of-a-kind and individual to you, and so each one of our rings are either sand-cast, hand-forged or hand carved. All our creations are handmade and crafted in our Sydney studio.

Kris Averi

Kris Averi

Kris Averi creates fine jewelry with a focus on engagement and wedding rings. We forge everlasting jewelry inspired by all forms of love. Embody your timeless love story by going above and beyond by crafting custom one-of-a-kind pieces. Make your eternal statement personal from anything in our collections. As a queer-lead business, our stand for love is forever, Eternally and Exclusively Inclusive.

Opps! It looks like you've seen it all!

Opps! It looks like you've seen it all!